"Calling is to flow like a river and be free like birds and share collective richness like a BLK Carrot. Educate. Advise. Support. Transmit Joy." -JP
My Black Carrot Mentoring Hub offers bi-relational and bi-directional Education, Advisory, and Supportive Services. The goal is to empower individuals, institutions, and cultures to achieve a full self-determination and ever expanding joyful existence. To this end MBC use innovative, grounded, and experiential methods to work collaboratively with the community towards achieving both individual goals and collective ecological promises.
The brand is inspired by the BLK Carrot, which is black-purple in color and has some roots in Eastern Africa. The BLK Carrot is symbolic. It represents authenticity, richness, and nuance beyond face-value understanding. BLK Carrots were used for medicinal purposes and as a food source. They have a rich history in African cuisine.
The winding river is also symbolic. It represents the Founder+Owner’s connection roots to full outdoor ecological systems. JP has family lineage through Memphis, Southern IL.-Cairo, Chicago, & Blue Island IL., where the Eastern Arm of the Little Calumet River is located. For JP it is a symbol of resilience, strength, and community connections. The winding path represents the twists and turns of life’s journey. Beyond industrialization, sources alike serve as a space for gatherings, celebrations, and spiritual healing practices among natives to the land.
The Glossy Starling bird is a symbol of beauty and grace. Rooted in its history as a bird that is native to Africa, where it is known for its bright colors which include purple, green, and black. The Founder+Owner observed many glossy starlings once traveling to Ghana for the spiritual journey “The Return.” Glossy Starling birds have been used in African art, music, and literature to symbolize freedom, creativity, and a connection to the natural world.
*My Black Carrot honors the symbolism, ancestors & history and strives to incorporate it into the work and brand.
We believe in a non-deficit approach and view community members as partners with deep talents, gifts, and possibilities. The deficit approach can be harmful because it reinforces negative stereotypes and encourages a sense of inadequacy in community members. Power imbalances can create buffers that prevent growth and transformation. We don’t believe in “tough love” because it can restrict in seen, unseen, and unforeseen ways. Instead, we offer a bi-relational and bi-directional approach where community members feel empowered to take ownership of their life. We believe that community members should feel good, feel pleasure, feel happy to take ownership of their life rather than feeling inadequate or restricted by “tough love.”
While we offer an array of bi-relational and bi-directional education, advisory, and supportive oriented mentoring, one could expect the following from taking on services:
Liberatory Framework & Analysis: Unpacking Goal(s), Explore New Goals, Holding Space for Emergent Outcomes, Discuss Patterns, System/Structural Thinking
Alignment in Personal, Institutional, and/or Cultural Level Goals
Power, Place, Location, Positionality Reflection
Checking in on Mind, Body, Spirit, and Heart
Laughter, Joy, Play
Outside Healing, Bathing, Nurturing
Transformational Interactions
Deep Learning & Intuitive Processing
Transcendent Listening
Connectedness & Compassion
Leveling Power Dynamics in Exchanges
Contextualized & Personalized Call-On Support
Direct Naming Threats To Progress
Reveal Motivations, Talents, & Gifts From Within
Slowing All The Way Down Presence
Responsiveness Coaching
And So Much More Emergent...
JP Story Continued. Pt. 2
Jeremy “JP” Vincent is Nova’s daddy, life partner, Joy-Pository-Mentor, PhD student pause out, advocate, organizer, outdoor nurturer, and critical contextualizer. He is also a joy-transmitter who breathe life into social work practice and mental health-substance use recovery service provider work, lecturer, trainer, coach, and facilitator when called to task.
JP’s roots are in Memphis, TN, and Cairo, IL. He grew up in South Side Chicago and its suburbs before moving to the Southwest Wisconsin Tri-State area in 2008. He has a BS in Health and Wellness, an MSE in Adult Education-Human Services, and a Social Worker Certification. He has over 10+ years of experience in educational and supportive services across diverse communities.
JP is the Owner+Founder of My Black Carrot Mentoring Hub, a social change platform that offers Cultural Education, Mentoring Empowerment, Social Activation-Transformation Coaching, and Outdoor Nurture (CMEST). The hub empowers individuals, institutions, and cultures toward self-determination and joyful existence using innovative, grounded, and experiential methods.
JP is also a Co-Founder organizer at Black Platteville Community Network, In-Love Advocate for Subversive Social Work, certified Peacemaking Circle Keeper, an Emotional Intelligence Diversity Institute Facilitator, and a Stop The Hate Campus Pride Trainer and Crisis Interventionist. He is passionate about outdoor nurture and a trusted local advocate. He embodies transformation, justice, and reimagined human services and helping work within and beyond the margins.
JP draws wisdom from ancestors, elders, youth, acquired knowledge and lived experiences. He speaks truthfully about outdoor nurture, collective care, love, re-conceptual mentoring, leadership, identity, and community social change. Formative life experiences encourages him to challenge oppressive norms, encourage authenticity, and break free from internalized harm. He is committed to what he describes as love work, especially within and beyond marginalized communities.
JP extends a ‘love ethic’ to all his interactions. He does love work with people of all ages, helping them explore their personal narratives, affirm their identities, understand their emotions, and fulfill their human promise. His calling is to flow like a river, soar like birds, and share resources like a BLK Carrot—adapting to changing conditions and social landscapes.
Imagine the bountiful harvest from a well-rested field—a loving, joyous, harmonious exchange that enriches all involved.
BS in Health-Wellness
MSE in Education (*Multidisciplinary: Adult Education, Counseling Psychology, and Human Services)
PhD Pause Out
10+ years in Educational & Supportive Services
10+ years experience in Adult Training, Coaching, and Facilitation Work
Co-Founder of Black Platteville Community Network (BLKPlattCom) & In-Love Advocate & Organizer at Subversive Social Work at Our Spot Community Space, Platteville WI
Dynamic Holistic Wellness & Substance Use Recovery Service Provider Experience
Crisis Interventionist
Social Work Certification
World Class Professional and Career Skills Life Skills Certification Completion with James Anderson Productions
Certified Peace Making Circle Keeper with Community Justice for Youth Chicago
Certified Emotional Intelligence Diversity Institute
Train the Trainer Facilitator with Stop The Hate Campus Pride
Experienced Intercultural Development Inventory
Trusted Local Advocate for Outdoor Nurturing Experiences