Educational, Advisory, & Support Services
"Calling is to flow like a river, be free like birds, and share collective richness like a black carrot." -JP
Educate | Advise | Support
Transmit Joy
Educate | Advise | Support
Transmit Joy
My Black Carrot Hub (MBC) provides community-centered, relational-focused education, advisory, and support services. We collaborate with individuals, institutions, and influencers to achieve meaningful impact, working with both youth and adults. At MBC, we believe in fostering strong, bi-directional partnerships with community members and institutional partners, empowering everyone to take ownership of their goals and feel positive about the outcomes.
An acorn does not have to say, ‘I intend to become an oak tree'. Natural intelligence intends that every living thing become the highest form of itself and designs us accordingly.”― Sonya Renee Taylor, The Body Is Not an Apology: The Power of Radical Self-Love
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